TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO Con l'occhio della pantera, veglio sulla verità. Con la forza del leone, difendo i miei fratelli. Nella notte, sotto la luna piena, siamo uniti.With the eye of the panther, I watch over the truth. With the strength of the lion, I defend my brothers. In the night, under the full moon, we are united TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNOTECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO Con l'occhio della pantera, veglio sulla verità. Con la forza del leone, difendo i miei fratelli. Nella notte, sotto la luna piena, siamo uniti.With the eye of the panther, I watch over the truth. With the strength of the lion, I defend my brothers. In the night, under the full moon, we are united TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNOTECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO Con l'occhio della pantera, veglio sulla verità. Con la forza del leone, difendo i miei fratelli. Nella notte, sotto la luna piena, siamo uniti.With the eye of the panther, I watch over the truth. With the strength of the lion, I defend my brothers. In the night, under the full moon, we are united TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNOTECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO Con l'occhio della pantera, veglio sulla verità. Con la forza del leone, difendo i miei fratelli. Nella notte, sotto la luna piena, siamo uniti.With the eye of the panther, I watch over the truth. With the strength of the lion, I defend my brothers. In the night, under the full moon, we are united TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO